Welcome to my newly created blog. As with any other blog, I feel I have to introduce it, and tell you why I chose the title I chose (chose). And that concludes the introduction, now the name choosing:
My blog is called A Blogful Mind and as some of the brighter readers may have noticed, it resembles the name of a movie, A Beautiful Mind. My mind is not beautiful, it has as many holes and flaws as the American economy, but I will say that it's blogful, meaning that it's full of bizarre things I can write about in my blog (like the American economy), imagining that someone actually will bother reading it.
Anyway, I'm a movie fanatic. I watch movies all day and all night even though I'm sick of watching movies, a feeling that has grown as of late. I originally thought about the name "Smells Like Blog" because of one of the greatest movie quotes, "Smells like victory", from the movie Apocalypse Now (love it! My computer can't make that famous heart involving a greater-than-sign and a 3, so please imagine a heart instead of this line.... thank you).
However, I realized that people might think the name is from that not so famous song by that not so famous band: Correct, Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana. But the idea that some kid possessed by the spirit of dear, "old" Cobain would find this blog and jump ten feet into the air out of pure joy, reading it with enthusiasm, only to realize that it's not about the greatest band of all time, Nirvana (duh!), ending in the tragic death of yet another confused child who will leave a suicide note saying: "I feel your pain, Cobain." was just to much to bear. So long story short, even though I'M SO IN LOVE WITH COBAIN and will probably commit suicide tomorrow because he's dead, I don't want other people suing me stating that I created a mass suicide wave because of this blog.

That being said, my first blog is born. A blog, which will be full of fun stuff about movies, games, music etc, maybe even THE GREATEST BAND OF ALL TIME, Nirvana. So please stay tuned as we go deeper than any man has ever gone before, into the abyss of all abysses, into the brain of all brains, into my blogful mind.
By the way, I've never seen A Beautiful Mind, I just thought the name was catchy.
10 kommentarer:
Vent, vent... Kurt Cobain er DØD???? :O
damn, jeg skal kalle bloggen min for det!
Go and see "A beautiful mind", Niels! I didn't expect a thing from it and was rather bored the first 30 minutes, but, boy, did that movie have a twist or what?
Will read you blog, so watch out there :-)
Your blog is alive at my place :-) So go figure.
Kjære, nå begynner du å bli gammalt nytt.. NY POST! :P
Nice start. Looking forward to the next entries....
Hahahahahahahahahaha, du skriver på engelsk, din pretensiøse faen, hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Og siden du nevner Nirvana, Kurt Cobain og idioter som begår selvmord på grunn av ham, er jeg nødt til å legge ved en obligatorisk link:
Takk for alle tilbakemeldingene.
Og ja Tony... I aim high :P
omg @ arseface :o
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